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The most common stain in histopathology is the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) combination stain, which visualizes the basic proteins of the histones (mainly arginine) in dark bluish or purple color, whereas the eosin imparts a pinkish color to the cytoplasm of cells. Additional toolkit items Staff suggested that posters directed at patients em- phasizing prevention of low back pain injuries should be developed and placed in the work place as well as the clinics. The angular momentum about the fixed point O has a similar expres- sion: Ho 5 (Io v 1 Io v 1 Io v ) 1 11 1 12 2 13 3 Ho 5 (Io v 1 Io v 1 Io v ) 2 21 1 22 2 23 3 Ho 5 (Io v 1 Io v 1 Io v ) 3 31 1 32 2 33 3 As shown in the chapter, once the inertia matrix Ic is derived, the ma- ij trix Io can be obtained from the matrix Ic by using a transformation ij ij equation (Eqn. In this chapter, we provide the rationale for usage of the Internet as a core infrastructure for a holistic approach to distributed healthcare management and supplement this through the identification of the potential role of temporal reasoning in addressing the time relevance of patient centered clinical information. It also pays to have your notes (if you have any) clearly page-numbered, with bold headings, so that you can quickly navigate your way through them and instantly find your place again when you look up at your 48 HOW TO APPEAR ON STAGE audience. CAUSE WHAT IS IT YPICAL SYMPTOMS Asthma Recurrent attacks of Attacks typically caused by wheezing, coughing, and exposure to certain trig- shortness of breath gers, nighttime cough brought on by certain triggers Bronchiolitis Infection of some of the Fever, rapid breathing, tiny branches of the lungs wheezing, flaring nostrils, more common in infants less than 6 months old Croup Infection in the voicebox Barking cough, wheezing, fever, hoarseness, typically appears after a cold, more common in children between 6 months and 3 years old Epiglottitis Infection or inflammation Vibrating sound during of the flap in the back of breathing, muffled speak- the throat that blocks air ing, sore throat, trouble passages during swallowing, fever, drool- swallowing ing, most common in chil- dren between 3 and 7 years old Hyperventilation Rapid, shallow breathing Sudden onset of breathing trouble, anxiety, chest pain (adolescents), light-headed- ness, tingling around the mouth, numbness in hands, more common in children older than 6 years Pneumonia Infection of the lungs Coughing up sputum, high fever, rapid breathing [pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict][pict] BREATHING PROBLEMS (CHILD) 35 WHAT CAN CAUSE BREATHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN, AND WHAT IS TYPICAL FOR EACH CAUSE? It precipitates at spinal cord 50C, disappears at 100C, and reappears on cooling to room CFU-E colony-forming units-erythroid temperature CFU-GEMM colony-forming-unit-granulocytes-erythrocyte- benign nonmalignant or noncancerous macrophage-megakaryocyte Bernard-Soulier syndrome a disorder characterized by the largest CFU-GM colony-forming-unit-granulocyte-macrophage platelets seen in a platelet disorder CH constant region of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene beta-thalassemia a form of anemia in which beta chain synthesis locus is impaired channel analyzer a device in which individual pulses are catego- bilirubin a breakdown product of heme from hemoglobin rized into specific-sized channels forming a histogram, with size biliverdin a breakdown product arising from the oxidation of on the x-axis and frequency on the y-axis bilirubin Charcot-Leyden crystals colorless, hexagonal, needle-like crys- bit map a polygonal figure with as many as 16 sides drawn around tals derived from disintegrating eosinophils. Treatment-Induced Mucositis Treatment-induced mucositis is one of the most common and most distressing side effects from chemotherapy and radiotherapy and from bone marrow trans- plants. They are businesses charged with making a profit (or minimising loss) by their shareholders, and can be expected to use every legal means and loophole possible to identify and manage their risk particularly if it gives them an advantage over a competitor. The centre users have been told that Jon is coming to talk to them, and he arrives at about coffee time. In the 1970s, Hogan and Shprintzen made additional contributions by describing lateral port control and tailor-made flaps via preoperative videofluoroscopy and nasopharyngoscopy, respectively [3, 4]. 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